Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find the most common questions and answers about eTrading.

Please contact us if you require any further information.

What investor protection does Northvale provide?
Is it possible to open a joint account?
How can I get power of attorney for the account?
Where can I find my tax number?
What documents are required to open a Corporate account?
Why do I need proof of address to register for an account?
Where can I get a copy of my passport certified?
I would like to transfer securities to my account; how do I go about this?
I cannot log in to my trading account. What do I do now?
How Can I Open A Trading Account With Northvale?

Costs & Conditions

Where can I find more detailed information on the trading costs and conditions?

Bank Transfers / Payments

Are my deposits covered by the deposit insurance scheme?
My transfer has not been credited to my account. What can I do?
How do I transfer money to my Northvale account?

Securities Transfers – incoming and outgoing

I have transferred securities but my deposit does not show an incoming entry. What can I do?
I would like to transfer securities from my account; how do I go about this?
I would like to transfer securities to my account; how do I go about this?

Account Management

Where can I find legal information?
How can I close my account?
Where can I find my notifications?
How Do I Change My Address?
How Do I Change My Name?
In case of an untimely death of an Account Holder - what is the procedure?
How do account deposits and payments work?


What are the Trading fees and their Advantages?
Can I also place my Stock Exchange orders by telephone?
Where can I find more Information on the Market data?
What do I have to do in case of Corporate Actions?
How can I place orders on the stock exchange?
Where can I find out more about the exchanges?
Where can I find the stock exchange calendar?
Where can I find the trading hours of the key stock exchanges?
Which products can I trade?
Which stock exchanges can I trade on?


The trading tools don’t work: what can I do?
My password doesn't work: what can I do?
Secure Data Transfer: Is Data Encoded at Northvale?
Which tools can I use?
Which Trading Platforms does Northvale have?